Welcome to the world of Video Game Public Relations (PR)! Whether you’re just starting your journey in PR or you’re here out of curiosity to understand what makes this industry tick, you’ve come to the right place for an overview of the basics. This blog series is designed to serve as an overview of PR essentials, tailored specifically for professionals taking their first steps in the PR arena or those who are eager to understand what PR entails in the world of gaming.

This is Part 4 of a 4-part series. You can navigate to other entries below:

The Life Cycle of a PR Campaign

The life cycle of a PR campaign is inherently linked to the game development cycle, and understanding this relationship will help you set expectations for every phase of the campaign.


The pre-reveal phase marks the beginning of your focused PR efforts, spanning from the moment the game pillars are set, all the way to the moment the game is publicly revealed. This is effectively a time for preparation; most of what we have covered before will be put to paper at this time. Here are the key activities to undertake during this phase:

  • Set Up Communication Channels: Establish the main avenues for your communication efforts early on. This includes setting up social media accounts, newsletter templates, email distribution systems, and everything else needed to reach your intended targets more effectively.
  • Database Integration: If your game has been revealed in any capacity, make sure to list it on major gaming databases like IGDB, Giant Bomb, and GameFAQs. These platforms are often used by other services to pull game information from, so having your game correctly set up in at least one of these will help  establish its presence in the gaming space.
  • Community Building: Start fostering a community around your game. This involves engaging with potential players through social media, forums, and other online platforms where discussions about gaming thrive. The goal is to build anticipation and gather a group of followers who are eager to learn more and spread the word.
  • Reveal Trailer Preparation: Put together a compelling reveal trailer that encapsulates the essence of your game. This trailer will be one of your first major assets and is pivotal in setting the tone and expectations for your audience. It should highlight what makes your game unique and why it’s worth keeping in mind.

It is important to mention that the game reveal is a crucial beat in the campaign, and your one and only opportunity to make a good first impression. When setting up communication channels, database integration, community building, and trailer preparation, be careful not to spoil the surprise.

Pre-Launch (Launch Build-Up)

This phase extends from the game’s public reveal to its release. It’s a time for action, where the plans laid out in the pre-reveal phase are executed. Flexibility is key; your PR plan must adapt to both changes in the development cycle and shifts in public perception. Here’s what to keep in mind during this phase:

Continued Promotion

Keep the sales funnel in motion. This is the time to ramp up your efforts: secure promotional opportunities, pitch feature stories to the media, and maintain active engagement with your audience through various channels.

Store Optimization

As the release approaches, prepare your game’s store listings. This includes coming up with solid descriptions, highlighting your game’s Unique Selling Propositions (USPs), and using high-quality visual assets that capture the interest of your target audiences.

Build Your Presence

Leverage every opportunity to showcase your game. This can include trade events, demo festivals, interviews, and media appearances. Be well-prepared for these events with clear objectives, and ensure you are media-trained (or your client is) to handle questions confidently. If attending an event, secure press appointments well in advance—ideally, one or two months in advance, but at the very least three to four weeks before the event.

Effective Communication

When releasing newsletters, press releases, or updates, think in terms of headlines. The clearer and more compelling your headlines are, the more likely it will be for the press to cover your newsbeats. Likewise, be sure to consider pre-seeding your announcements by sharing press releases and important messaging ahead of time with trusted contacts. The additional time allows for the media to work your news into their planning, effectively increasing your chances of coverage.

Pre-Release Copies

Aim to distribute review keys or codes to reviewers and top-tier content creators at least three weeks before the game’s release. This requires the game to be approved for release following platform-specific QA certifications. Planning ahead is essential to ensure that everything is in place and you have builds and assets in hand when you need them.

Enforce Embargoes

Set and enforce an embargo date for all coverage, including reviews, first impressions, and gameplay videos. Scheduling when these elements go live is important. There are a lot of factors to consider when setting up embargos, you will need to figure out what works best for your game, but usually, you want media reviews and short form video content to go live 48-72 hours ahead of launch, followed closely by long-form video content either 24 hours ahead of or at launch. This strategy helps concentrate buzz around the game in a short time window and maximize impact on release.

Launch (and Post-Launch)

By this point, most of the work is done. Congrats! If your PR plan was effective and your marketing campaign was timely, the focus now shifts to overseeing the release and amplifying your game’s presence. Here are some considerations for the launch phase:

  • Platform Coordination: Ensure that all platforms release the game on schedule and without issues. Double-check that game pages are live, accurately reflecting the correct retail price, and that the game is readily available for purchase in all intended markets.
  • Launch Trailer: If not previously uploaded, now is the time to share your launch trailer. While not the most impactful asset PR-wise, a solid launch trailer can still boost your visibility and attract potential buyers, so make it fun and show off the best in your game. If you set an early review embargo, you may even be able to add a few accolades and positive quotes to your trailer, making it more compelling.
  • Key Distribution: While most review keys should have been distributed before release to facilitate day-1 reviews, keep an eye on ongoing demand from media outlets and creators. There may be continued interest from parties that wish to cover the game post-launch, which can help extend the buzz around the game.
  • Announce Widely: As soon as the game is live, announce it across all your communication channels. Use social media, newsletters, and blog posts to create buzz. The goal is to make sure that your audience knows the game is available and to drive traffic and, if all goes well, sales.
  • Emphasize Day-1 Reviews: Push for day-1 reviews to be published as the game launches (or at the set embargo time). These reviews are crucial for providing potential buyers with immediate, credible insights into the game, influencing purchase decisions.
  • Follow-Ups: Continue to engage with media and content creators after launch. Be ready to capitalize on new opportunities like game guides, ‘best of’ lists, seasonal trends, award nominations or festival showings.

Maintaining Relationships with Press and Content Creators

A solid network of press and content creators is vital for reaching broad audiences and ensuring your game receives the visibility it deserves. Developing and maintaining these relationships can be challenging, but here are effective steps to get you started:

  • Familiarize with Your Press List: Begin by reviewing your existing connections. Familiarize yourself with as many journalists and creators as possible in the gaming space, and try to keep their focus, interests, and the nature of their roles within their publications in mind. A reviewer may not necessarily be your best target for the announcement of the game’s OST, for instance, or a creator who specializes in cozy farming-sims may not be your best target for a hack-and-slash roguelike. These considerations will come in handy when you’re looking for a particular profile or you have a specific angle in mind for a pitch or opportunity.

    As you issue press releases, media alerts, updates, newsletters, etc., ensure these communications consistently bear your name and title. This not only helps in building recognition but also establishes your identity within the industry.
  • Build Genuine Connections: After initial contact, it’s crucial to engage with these individuals regularly. Follow them on social media, interact with their posts in a natural and friendly manner, and share common interests. Authenticity is key. Remember, being relatable and approachable is part of your role. Whether you like it or not, your position as a PR professional will demand of you to become a people person within reason. So, charge up those social batteries!
  • Always be professional: It’s essential to conduct yourself with professionalism at all times in public spaces. Avoid disparaging remarks about any individuals in the industry, as you never know who might cover your game next or be a potential client. Stay clear of controversial or divisive topics, especially politics. Even if provoked, always respond with positivity and restraint. Public disputes or negative interactions can significantly damage professional relationships and your or your client’s reputations. It’s okay to be genuine, to show support for just causes, however, if someone is being an asshole, don’t let them drag you to their level. Be a professional!
  • Handle Negative Situations with Grace: If faced with criticism or negativity, whether from journalists or the gaming community, refrain from engaging in hostile exchanges. Discuss any grievances internally within your team rather than venting publicly. A calm, considered approach to conflict will preserve your relationships and uphold your professional image.

In Closing

We’ve traveled far and wide across the fields of Video Game Public Relations, from understanding the foundational pillars of game PR and navigating through the stages of a sales funnel, to the strategic timing of PR campaigns aligned with the game development cycle. We’ve also explored effective ways to maintain and foster relationships with media and content creators, along with everything you need on a basic level to run a successful PR campaign.

Thank you for taking the time to read this overview. Whether you’re just starting out in PR or looking to refine your existing skills, I hope you’ve found this guide helpful and that it serves as a valuable resource in your future campaigns. Remember, the world of PR is ever-evolving, and staying informed and up-to-date is key to navigating it successfully.

The entire team at Evolve PR is here to help if you have any questions! We wish you great success with your future campaigns!

If you missed any of the previous entries, or you wish to review them again, you can find links to them below:

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