by Christian Laventure, Vanessa Tolentino | May 10, 2022 | Free Templates, Marketing, Media and Content Creator Guides
[EASY TO USE TEMPLATE PROVIDED] You are a dedicated indie team attempting to market your game to the vast sea of media outlets and content creators. This can definitely be overwhelming, but there are ways to organize your pitching to increase your chances of getting...
by Matt Broitman | Nov 23, 2019 | Events, PR, PR Pro Tips
It’s been a good while since E3, but with the relaunch of, we wanted to publicly release our internal study of the event. This report was written before the ESA data leak, as well as the articles detailing the rumored plans for how E3 would be retooled...
by Ryan Seville | May 16, 2017 | PR Pro Tips
Creating a top-quality trailer that shows off your game and–more importantly–gives the viewer a taste of what it feels like to play your game, is the single most important piece of marketing you need to do. Everyone wants to make a trailer that’s...
by Tom Ohle | Aug 13, 2009 | PR
Frustration is a natural byproduct of a modern life — for a lot of us human existence in the 21st century is just an endless, stressful race to the top, and we’re bound to slip over the edge into complete batshit insanity once in a while. With so much...
by Tom Ohle | May 5, 2009 | PR, PR Pro Tips
Ah, the economy. Obama was supposed to fix it, but amazingly, even Superpresident himself can’t halt a global economic freefall in 100 days. Too bad, for a sound and stable economy would have made last Wednesday a little more enjoyable for me… or maybe a...